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Stanislaus Humanists 
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Eventsgathering of people outside

We hold a number of recurring monthly events including book club, virtual happy hour, and brunch meetings. You can find details and register for events below.

Any member or regular attender is welcome to suggest or host an event. Please contact us to discuss the details and get it on the calendar.

Upcoming events

    • 01/12/2025
    • 12/14/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • Queen Bean Coffee, 1126 14th St, Modesto, CA 95354

    Second Sunday of the month. Queen Bean Coffee in Modesto.

    Bring books, devices, or notepads while we solve the world's problems, exchange witty repartee, and drink delicious coffee.

    Due to live music being played we are moving the meeting time to 9am. That way we can enjoy some conversation before the music starts.

    • 04/02/2025
    • 12/03/2025
    • 5 sessions
    • Manteca Library 320 W Center St Manteca Ca 95336

    Join us every First Wednesday of every other month! 


    Recently, scholars around the world have made some fascinating and jaw-dropping discoveries in the field of global religious history —including ones that overturn so much of what we think we know about the founders and origins of our major world religions.

    Author David Fitzgerald, an award-winning writer, historical researcher, and atheist activist returns to Manteca to talk about his most recent book, Playing God.

      About the Free Event

    Our colloquiums are free events, open to the public, at the Manteca Library. Those of all worldviews and faiths are welcome.

    Doors open at 6:45 PM and our featured talk starts at 7:00 PM sharp. We expect most Colloquiums to last until about 8:30 PM followed by mingling and cleanup.

    Please use the library entrance on Center Street.

    Parking is free. Some desserts may be provided. A suggested donations of $10 supports this and future events.

      Dinner Before

    For those interested in having dinner first, head to the GK Mongolian BBQ (1039 S Main St) prior to the event.

    People typically arrive around 5:30 and leave at 6:30 to start setting up at the Manteca Library

Past Events

01/20/2025 2025 Annual Meeting
10/12/2024 Wine & Cheese
04/28/2024 Picnic at the Double T
04/20/2024 Wine & Cheese
02/07/2024 Colloquium
02/02/2024 First Fridays
01/25/2024 2024 Annual Meeting
01/14/2024 Coffee Klatch
01/05/2024 Happy Hour
09/16/2023 MoPride in the Park
05/21/2023 Morning in the Park
04/29/2023 Wine & Cheese
04/22/2023 Earth Day (Booth Help Needed!)
04/05/2023 Colloquium
02/25/2023 Family Friendly Nature Walk
02/18/2023 Rally for Police Reform (Booth Help Needed!)
02/16/2023 BOD Call
02/01/2023 Colloquium: The Evolutionary Biology of Religion
01/26/2023 2023 Board Meetings
01/26/2023 2023 Annual Meeting
01/17/2023 On Topic Discussion Group
01/08/2023 Coffee Klatch
01/06/2023 Happy Hour
10/09/2022 Freethought Day 2022
10/01/2022 MoPride in the Park (Booth Help Needed!)
09/17/2022 Modesto MoBeautiful Clean Up Day
08/16/2022 On Topic Discussion Group
06/15/2022 On Topic Discussion Group
05/20/2022 Wine & Cheese
02/04/2022 Happy Hour
01/23/2022 Turlock Brunch
01/18/2022 On Topic Discussion Group
01/15/2022 Saturday Night Flight
01/09/2022 Coffee Klatch
08/21/2021 Saturday Night Flight
08/14/2021 Wine & Cheese
08/03/2021 Book Club (Why Christianity Must Change)
07/06/2021 Book Club (Flash Boys)
06/01/2021 Book Club (Outside Looking In)
05/04/2021 Book Club (When Montezuma Met Cortés)
04/19/2021 Board Meeting
04/06/2021 Book Club (Talking to Strangers)
03/02/2021 Book Club
02/28/2021 Turlock Brunch/Breakfast in Bed
02/14/2021 Coffee Klatch
02/05/2021 Happy Hour
07/12/2020 Coffee Klatch
07/07/2020 Book Club
06/28/2020 Turlock Brunch/Breakfast in Bed
06/19/2020 Quarantini Happy Hour
06/05/2020 Quarantini Happy Hour

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